Can gun owners trust him?

Jan 7, 2022 | Latest News

A battle is raging over the Senate District 31 election and along with it, your gun rights.

Republican Senator Hugh Leatherman (a former Democrat, mind you) passed away, leaving his Senate seat up for grabs and the primary election is on January 25th.

After FOUR decades of Leatherman blockading efforts to restore our gun rights, gun owners in this district have a solid opportunity to lobby their next Senator to fight for you.

But only if you and I decide to make that difference.

For 40 years, Hugh Leatherman not only opposed gun owners but also attempted to silence them by sponsoring and pushing dangerous Gag Act legislation.

So this is the opportunity gun owners have been waiting for and whoever takes his place MUST be thoroughly vetted before taking office.

To find out where your candidates stand, I sent them the official Palmetto Gun Rights Candidate Survey –- to get them on the record in support of your right to keep and bear arms.

I have good news and bad news for Senate District 31.

The good news is that both candidates filled out their surveys pro-gun!

Both candidates Mike Reichenbach and Jay Jordan pledged to not only protect your gun rights across the board but also advance them by supporting Constitutional Carry.

The bad news is that candidate (and current State Representative) Jay Jordan has a mixed record on Constitutional Carry.

As you know, Constitutional Carry is the simple concept that would allow law-abiding citizens to carry a handgun for self-defense -– without paying a tax and begging the government for permission.

With Constitutional Carry, if you are legally able to possess a handgun, you are legally able to carry it, openly or concealed.

And with 21 other states passing this legislation, there’s no excuse that the near super majority of Republicans in Columbia can’t get this done.

In 2021, Rep. Jordan voted to kill Constitutional Carry TWICE.[1]

He did eventually vote for Constitutional Carry, but only after being exposed for his votes against it and receiving an avalanche of grassroots pressure to change his vote.[2]

It shouldn’t take that much for a Republican to vote pro-gun, so we’re hoping Mr. Jordan learned his lesson and will be consistent in his support for Constitutional Carry if he ends up in the Senate.

Gun owners can’t afford to play around when it comes to this issue and here’s why.

Last year, Constitutional Carry was voted down 25 to 21 in the State Senate.

This leaves us with only 4 votes to flip in order to send Constitutional Carry to the desk of the Governor, where Henry McMaster has publicly stated he would sign it into law.

Whoever takes Hugh Leatherman’s place in Senate District 31 will be one of the 4 votes needed to finally make South Carolina the 22nd Constitutional Carry state.

That’s why we’re asking you to call Jay Jordan at (843) 662-4474 and ask him to come clean on his votes against Constitutional Carry.

Please encourage him to vote for Constitutional Carry every time, not only when it’s politically expedient to do so.

Gun owners must know that their politicians will stand up for their gun rights EVERY SINGLE TIME, not only when anti-gun leadership in Columbia allows them to.

Fortunately, in filling out their surveys Mr. Reichenbach and Mr. Jordan have pledged to support the repeal of dangerous “gun-free” zones, better known as “criminal safe-zones.”

As every gun owner knows, these dangerous laws only disarm law-abiding citizens while letting criminals know that their victims will be disarmed in these areas.

Reichenbach and Jordan also went on record against California-style gun bans, which would arbitrarily ban hundreds of types of firearms based solely on cosmetic features.

Both candidates also pledged to support your right to legally “Stand Your Ground” and defend yourself and your family against armed thugs in the street.

PGR is dedicated to keeping you informed about the true positions of your elected officials and candidates.

With members and supporters across South Carolina, we are giving people across the Palmetto State a loud voice in defense of our gun rights.

And trust me, the politicians can hear you.

There is no better time to lobby them than when they are seeking your support at election time.

So call Mike Reichenbach at (843) 303-8392 and thank him for filling out his candidate survey and taking a stand for your gun rights.

Then don’t forget to call Rep. Jay Jordan at (843) 662-4474 and remind him that District 31 gun owners need a Senator that will vote for Constitutional Carry every single time.

Encourage him to stand by his pledge should he take office.

And once you’ve contacted your candidates, please consider donating $90 to Palmetto Gun Rights right away to help us expose anti-gun politicians in South Carolina

Reaching enough people to hold anti-gun politicians accountable is an expensive task, but I’m sure you’ll agree it’s worth it.

So please consider sending at least $60 right away!

I understand for some that may still be too much to ask, but even $30 would go a long way in helping us in the fight for your Second Amendment rights.

Whatever you can afford, know that I am grateful for your commitment to preserving our liberties for future generations.

Remember, politicians of all stripes are listening closely to gun owners with the primary election just around the corner.

With our rights at stake, now is the time to take action!

For Freedom,


Denise Snelling


Palmetto Gun Rights


[1] House Roll Call Vote 1363, 3/17/2021,,

House Roll Call Vote 1783, 5/12/2021,

[2] House Roll Call Vote 1636, 4/7/2021,




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