Will Penry Gustafson Vote to KILL Constitutional Carry again?!

Even after Senate Republicans secured a super-majority in the last election, they still refuse to muster the political courage to restore your gun rights.

Sadly, your State Senator, Penry Gustafson was one of nine Republicans who pandered to the gun control status quo and voted to KILL Constitutional Carry when it last came up to vote[1]

And word in Columbia is that Senator Gustafson may do it again if she doesn’t get feedback from gun owners about her vote.

So call her office RIGHT NOW at (803) 212-6040 and demand she reverse course and stand up for your gun rights!

As it stands in South Carolina, anyone who chooses to carry a gun to defend themselves against armed thugs and rapists can be fined $1000 and thrown in jail for up to a year if they don’t get government permission.

In contrast, Constitutional Carry is the simple idea that you shouldn’t need government permission to exercise your God-given right to bear arms.

Anyone who is allowed to purchase a firearm should be allowed to carry it. The Constitution is the “permit!”

TWENTY FIVE states, half the country have already enacted this common sense legislation… yet so-far weak-kneed Republicans like Penry Gustafson have left South Carolina behind states like Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio, and even Vermont.

And with the South Carolina House passing Constitutional Carry for the first time in state history last session, we’ve never been closer to finally passing this important, pro-gun legislation than we are right now.

In fact, South Carolina is THREE flipped votes away from becoming the next Constitutional Carry state.

That’s why we’re asking you to call her office RIGHT NOW at (803) 212-6040 and demand she stop shilling for the gun control mob and start standing for the Second Amendment.

We have a long road ahead to hold these Senators accountable for their vote, so please consider chipping in $30 or $15 to help us keep the pressure up and make South Carolina the 26th Constitutional Carry state!

[1] Senate Roll Call Vote #378, SC Legislative Session 124




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