Has it been one year already?
One year since Constitutional Carry was signed into law…
… The culmination of nearly a decade of fighting to force Columbia’s super-majorities to pass this pro-gun legislation.
And yet, despite claims from anti-gun politicians, no blood is running in the streets, no “Wild West” society.
Just our gun rights as the founders intended.
While weak-kneed Republicans sought out every avenue to placate gun owners with half measures and sad distractions, PGR poured on the pressure, accepting NO excuses.

Over the last four years PGR deployed 89,923 pieces of mail, 353,805 text messages, over $14,000 in social media ads, and delivered over 110,000 petitions signed by YOU, demanding lawmakers pass Constitutional Carry.
And even since passage, Palmetto Gun Rights has stood in the gap to FIGHT BACK against the backlash from Columbia swamp creatures who hated being forced to pass clean, pro-gun legislation.

In fact, the swamp spent upwards of 3 MILLION dollars in the 2024 Primaries attempting to eject members of the Freedom Caucus for forcing the establishment to clean up their compromised bill.
And thankfully, because of gun owners like you, NOT ONE of those pro-gun Reps was defeated.
And if that wasn’t enough, the long-time opponent of gun owners and Assistant Majority Leader, Jay West was sent packing.
Meanwhile, weak-kneed Republicans like Sen. Josh Kimbrell, who led the charge to water down Constitutional Carry, were put on notice even after the fight had concluded.

Patriots like former Representative Jonathon Hill and many others laid the foundations for this fight long before I joined the battle.
But let me say, the last 5 years I’ve worked for Palmetto Gun Rights have truly shown me just how much is possible when gun owners band together.
I was surprised to see just how much arm-twisting and accountability it took to get Republican supermajorities to pass Constitutional Carry, but the truth is, we didn’t really have a supermajority at all.

You see, the fight for Constitutional Carry didn’t just end up with us passing pro-gun legislation and restoring rights.
The fight you helped execute against the establishment class EXPOSED their ranks like no other.
I’ve lived in South Carolina all my life, and for the first time ever I can say that our state is beginning to move in the right direction.
Because of your help, a new era of conservative firebrands, while vastly outnumbered for now, is wreaking havoc on anti-gun Democrats and weak-kneed Republicans in the State House.
With every election cycle, the number of real pro-gun legislators grows in our state legislature, despite the attacks and lies from RINOS like Speaker Murrel Smith, Rep. Davey Hiott, and Rep. Neal Collins.
It just goes to show that where great pains are taken to confront lies, the truth will eventually triumph.
And that’s exactly what you and I did for the last 5 years in Columbia.
But our work isn’t over.
Eternal vigilance is the price for freedom.
And with Speaker Murrell Smith appointing anti-gun Democrats to chair powerful committees in Columbia, we can’t let our guard down.
Our next ambition is to BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in South Carolina.
And just like with Constitutional Carry, this will be no easy task.
Since I started at PGR, my team and I have deployed tens of thousands of mailers, texts, and emails holding legislators’ feet to the fire.
We’ve gone through 2 momentous and wildly successful Primary and General election seasons.
Effectively, we helped turn Columbia on its head.
But sadly, I’ve noticed dwindling returns in our mail and email programs.
It seems that since we passed Constitutional Carry and Donald Trump is now President, gun owners have laid off the throttle, despite serious problems in Columbia.
That’s why I’m hoping that the trust you and I have built over the years is still worth your support.
Our work isn’t done, and it’d be a shame to allow our deeds to be reversed by Smith and his band of RINOs.
Thank you for the MASSIVE wins you have given us, and for helping me make my home state a FREER state, all while achieving things I never would have thought possible.
Let’s keep up the good work and never tire in the face of adversity.
For Freedom,
Tommy Dimsdale
Executive Director
Palmetto Gun Rights