Rep. Jay West Voted Against Your Gun Rights!

Since 2016, when Jay West pledged to gun owners to support Constitutional Carry, he has voted to KILL this pro-gun legislation TWICE and openly maligned pro-gun Representatives who tried to move the ball forward for gun owners.

When Rep. West did vote for Constitutional Carry was only due to extreme pressure from angry gun owners in his district.

As you know, Constitutional Carry is the common sense idea that says if you can legally possess a firearm, you can legally carry that firearm without seeking government permission or paying expensive fees.

Twenty-five other states already have Constitutional Carry, with NINE of those states passing it since South Carolina went into session just last year! 

Not only that, but Jay West threatened to file dangerous Gag Act legislation that would SILENCE gun owners in his district, leaving them in the dark around election time.

Call Jay West at (803) 212-6954, demand he stop siding with anti-gun Democrats in Columbia, and start standing with gun owners in his district.

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