Krystle Matthews ATTACKED Your Gun Rights

 We’re facing an attack on multiple fronts. 

Leftist radicals have their sights trained on our Second Amendment rights in South Carolina and we must shore up our defenses. 

And with South Carolina being rated the most liberal Republican held legislature for 2 years in a row, there’s no better reason to kick our efforts into overdrive during this election season. 

That’s why it’s critical we identify politicians who will take a bold, public stance in support of the Second Amendment. 

And that’s why I sent the official Palmetto Gun Rights Candidate Survey to every politician running for State House and Senate — to get them on the record in support of your right to keep and bear arms

I’ve got good news and bad news for you in House District 117. 

Democrat State Representative Krystle Matthews REFUSES to answer her Palmetto Gun Rights Candidate Survey and go on record in support of your gun rights.

This is not surprising considering that in 2019, Krystle Matthews co-sponsored legislation to add a 7% tax on handgun purchases.[1]

With our “commander in chief” labeling half the nation as enemies of the state and inciting violence against pro-gun patriots, we must keep the cost of firearm ownership low, not add to it.

Had Matthew’s gun tax succeeded, many lower-income families would have had limited options for self-protection with some left defenseless when they need protection the most.

Not only that, but Matthews voted TWICE to kill common sense pro-gun Constitutional Carry legislation.[2]

Constitutional Carry is the simple concept that would allow law-abiding citizens to carry a handgun for self-defense -– without paying a tax and begging the government for permission.

Matthews voted for the gun control status quo that allows a woman who chooses to carry a gun to defend herself against armed thugs and rapists to be fined $1000 and thrown in jail for up to a year if she doesn’t first obtain a permit!

And by not returning her survey, Matthews refuses to go on record opposing California-style gun bans that would outlaw hundreds of types of firearms based solely on cosmetic features.

Firearms for hunting. Firearms for home defense. Firearms for sport shooting — simply because they look “scary.”

But there is also good news for State House District 117.

Republican candidate Jordan Pace answered his Palmetto Gun Rights Candidate Survey pro-gun!

By returning his survey, Pace pledged to support legislation repealing “Gun-Free” zones, better known as “Criminal-Safe” zones.

As every gun owner knows, these dangerous laws only disarm law-abiding citizens while letting criminals know that their victims will be disarmed in these areas.

Jordan Pace also pledged to support our state’s preemption law that prevents local municipalities from passing their local gun control.

Preemption laws protect gun owners from being entrapped in a web of confusing gun laws and regulations from town to town, making it almost impossible to legally own or carry a firearm.

Finally, Jordan Pace pledged to oppose “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws, which would allow government agents to seize legally-owned firearms without a hearing or even a crime being committed!

In the wake of civil unrest across the country, and with law enforcement resources already stretched thin, it is clear that private citizens need access to firearms for self-protection.

We must make it clear that we expect candidates and elected officials to not only oppose new gun control measures but also to go to Columbia to be a leader in the fight for the Second Amendment.

That’s why Palmetto Gun Rights is dedicated to keeping you informed about the true positions of your elected officials and candidates.

With members and supporters across South Carolina, we are giving gun owners a loud voice in defense of gun rights.

And trust me, the politicians can hear you.

There is no better time to lobby them than when they are seeking your support at election time.

So please contact Democrat State Rep. Krystle Matthews at (843) 310-8755 and insist she reverse course and start standing up for the Second Amendment.

Then contact Republican candidate Jordan Pace at 843-300-7193 and thank him for answering his survey pro-gun and taking a stand for our Second Amendment rights. Urge him to continue.

And once you’ve contacted your candidates, please consider donating $100 to Palmetto Gun Rights right away to help us continue fighting for the Second Amendment in South Carolina.

Reaching enough people to pressure politicians to support the Second Amendment is an expensive task, but I’m sure you’ll agree it’s worth it.

So please consider giving at least $75 or $50 right away!

I understand for some that may still be too much to ask, but even $25 would go a long way in helping us in the fight for your Second Amendment rights.

Don’t forget, if you’d like to spread your support out, please consider a $10 monthly recurring donation to keep the flame of liberty burning bright in South Carolina!

Whatever you can afford, know that I am grateful for your commitment to preserving our liberties for future generations.

Remember, politicians of all stripes are listening closely to gun owners with the election just around the corner.

With our rights at stake, now is the time to take action!


[1] House Bill 3109 (2019-2020).

[2] Amendment No. 2A and 4A to S. 785 (2019).

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