The End of Due Process?
But this time is even scarier…
The City of Columbia has already followed the demands of Bloomberg and “Gun Control Inc.” by passing a local-level gun ban in defiance of state law!
And sadly, with bipartisan support, anti-gun politicians are now working overtime to destroy the Second Amendment rights of South Carolinians by pushing outright gun bans, Universal Brady Checks, mandatory waiting periods, and more.
If passed, these laws would strip you of your right to own common firearms, or even put you in jail for keeping many guns you currently own!
The government cannot — and will not — keep us safe.
It is up to us to be prepared in dangerous situations like what happened in Parkland, and if we don’t fight back NOW and stand up for our Second Amendment Rights, we could be in BIG trouble.
I am sure you have seen the news by now that President Trump is advocating for more gun control than former President Obama EVER dreamed of passing.
President Trump, joined by Sens. Dianne Feinstein and John Cornyn, laid out his plan to pass radical gun control.
And I’ve got to tell you, I couldn’t believe what he said.
When talking about gun rights and due process, Trump fired back at Vice President Pence, stating: “take the guns first, go through due process second.”
That’s right. President Trump is calling for the elimination of due process rights, which is the only thing that has prevented numerous innocent Americans, including veterans, from having their guns ripped from their hands.
All it would take is one government bureaucrat slapping a crazy label on your file for your guns to be confiscated.
But that isn’t the only anti-gun demand Trump made.
The President also made it clear that he is pulling a play out of Obama’s handbook and will ban bump stocks without even asking Congress for approval, stating:
“We can do that with an executive order . . . so you won’t have to worry about bump stock, shortly that will be gone.”
Remember during the Obama years when conservatives everywhere, including Donald Trump, were railing about then-President Obama’s abuse of executive action?
In 2012, Donald Trump stated, “Why is [Barack Obama] constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?”
I could ask President Trump the same question right now.
This is an all-out emergency, and your immediate support is absolutely vital.
If you’ve already signed it, and want to help in the fight, you can click here and forward this email to your Second Amendment loving friends and chip in to help us continue fighting these schemes.
If we don’t act now, we will see similar anti-gun legislation passing in Columbia before we know it.
With the South Carolina Legislature in full swing, we must always keep a close eye on our State Senators and Representatives.
So in addition to fighting back against these new federal threats, we are counting on your support to help fight back against anti-gun restrictions here at the state level being touted by anti-gunners in Columbia.
So please click here to sign your NO GUN CONTROL mandate today along with a generous contribution.
Whether you give $30 or $20, or even just $5 or $10, it will be greatly appreciated and used judiciously to defend our rights.
We need everyone who cares about the Second Amendment to take a stand.
Your support right now is absolutely critical.
I appreciate everything you’ve done to support the Second Amendment in the past. I hope I can count on you again.
For Freedom,
Denise Snelling
Palmetto Gun Rights