Gun Groups Voice Opposition to Smear Tactics of Anti-Gun "Palmetto Truth Project" [See full letter at end of article] We don’t know about you, but we’re tired of the lies being spread during this election season. To be specific, we’re tired of the lies coming from the...
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GOP Senate Throws Gun Owners Under the Bus
SC GOP Senate Throws Gun Owners Under the Bus Dear fellow patriot, From the get go, it was obvious Senate Republicans wanted to wash their hands of gun owners as quickly as possible. Shortly after gaveling in, the Senate brought up Constitutional Carry bill H....
Thank you Thomas Beach and SC Freedom Caucus!
Thank you Rep. Thomas Beach Dear fellow patriot, There’s a ton of misinformation being spread around by certain House GOP Caucus members. After gun owners unleashed a tidal wave of grassroots pressure, the House finally responded by removing all anti-gun amendments...
Session Starts SOON!
Session Starts SOON! Dear fellow patriot, Legislators return to Columbia for the first day of session in just a few weeks. And the fate of our Second Amendment rights hangs in the balance. Last year, Palmetto Gun Rights and our members forced TWO Constitutional Carry...
What’s Going on with Constitutional Carry?
What's Going On With Constitutional Carry? Dear fellow patriot, We’ve made significant gains this year. Sadly, the establishment in Columbia wants to see how close they can get to passing Constitutional Carry, without actually doing so. As it stands, anti-gun Senators...
Did Republicans Just KILL Constitutional Carry Again?
Did Republicans Just KILL Constitutional Carry Again?! Yesterday I drove down to the Capitol once again to press legislators to join the 27 other states who have passed Constitutional Carry. After more than 2 weeks, Constitutional Carry, S. 109, was finally scheduled...
Greg Hembree Lied
Senator Greg Hembree is LYING to Gun Owners! Your Senator Greg Hembree not only voted to KILL Constitutional Carry but LIED to his constituents about what he voted against. Even after this bill was debated for hours and plainly explained numerous times on the Senate...
Setting the Record Straight on Constitutional Carry
Setting the Record Straight on Constitutional Carry Gun owners have weak-kneed Republicans scrambling to cover up their anti-gun votes. Many of these politicians have touted their inflated ratings with the establishment gun lobby as proof for their dedication to the...
HD 97 Candidate Robby Robbins Refuses to Return Gun Rights Survey
HD 97 Candidate Robby Robbins Refuses to Return Gun Rights Survey "The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” As ardent supporters of the Second Amendment, you and I know that these rights are absolutely critical to a free society. With...
With near supermajorities, Republicans remain obstinate to the demands of gun owners in SC.
With near supermajorities, Republicans remain obstinate to the demands of gun owners in SC. Even after Senate Republicans secured a super-majority in the last election, they still refuse to muster the political courage to restore your gun rights. Last session,...
Can gun owners trust him?
A battle is raging over the Senate District 31 election and along with it, your gun rights. Republican Senator Hugh Leatherman (a former Democrat, mind you) passed away, leaving his Senate seat up for grabs and the primary election is on January 25th. After FOUR...
These Republicans Betrayed Gun Owners
Republican legislators in South Carolina have once again proven their skill in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Republicans Compromising Already?
I wish it wasn’t true, but here we are again.
Republicans Kill Constitutional Carry Again!
Yesterday evening, Speaker Jay Lucas and Majority Leader Gary Simrill killed two pro-gun proposals without debate or even a vote!
Banning Guns to Stop a Virus?
The Saluda County Council just declared a “State of Disaster” in response to the spread of COVID-19 and passed gun control in the process!
Testimony of Tommy Dimsdale PGR Legislative Director
Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in on the issue of expanding our gun rights in South Carolina.
Whose Side is He on?
I hate to have to tell you this…
Will South Carolina Be the Next Victim of Gun Control?
The Republican-controlled Florida Legislature just sent a massive gun control package to the Governor’s desk, who plans to sign it into law.
The End of Due Process?
Like in so many cases before, the gun control lobby is shamelessly using the blood of innocents to advance their anti-gun agenda.