Whose Side is He on?
I hate to have to tell you this…
But when so-called “friends” of the gun rights community start carrying water for anti-gun politicians, it’s our responsibility to notify you.
And sadly, Republican State Representative Stewart Jones is heeding the bad advice of Speaker Jay Lucas and his lieutenants by giving them every excuse to ignore gun owners and compromise on your rights.
Instead of joining the front lines in the fight for Constitutional Carry, Jones is pushing leadership’s watered-down “gun” bill as the best he can do for gun owners in 2021.
This is particularly upsetting since Jones once showed promise of being an ally to gun owners when he was first elected.
But now, instead of being a representative of the grassroots to the political class in Columbia, Jones has become the messenger for the political class, telling the grassroots that we must compromise.
That’s why Rep. Jones needs to hear from you right away!
Please call State Rep. Stewart Jones at (803) 212-6713. Demand he reverse course and stop buying into the anti-gun lies coming out of Columbia.
Instead of working to restore the rights of law-abiding gun owners by pushing Constitutional Carry, Speaker of the House Jay Lucas is promoting a watered-down “licensed open carry” to distract us.
If passed, this “licensed open carry” bill would require that you pay the same fees, take the same government-mandated classes, and jump through the same bureaucratic hoops to exercise your rights as you do now.
This bill does little-to-nothing to restore your gun rights, and the do-nothing politicians in Columbia know that!
They just hope gun owners will accept this “pay-off” and back off our fight for Constitutional Carry.
Sadly, Stewart Jones bought into this nonsense entirely!
Speaking to a group of liberty activists recently, Jones recited the talking points of the political class hoping they would back down from the fight for Constitutional Carry and accept this “compromise.”
“There’s definitely an incremental approach to passing Constitutional Carry.” Jones told the crowd. “I see passing [licensed] open carry first.”
We’ve heard the same talk before from politicians telling activists, “we can’t pass it this year, maybe next year.”
This is the same tired rhetoric the political class has been peddling to gun owners for years, with passage always a year away, always another time, but never now.
We must double our efforts by contacting Rep. Jones at (803) 212-6713, and insisting he remove his name from the watered-down bill and rejoin the fight for Constitutional Carry!
Unfortunately, there were earlier warning signs that Jones would become a water-carrier for the political establishment.
Just last year, Jones joined with other Tea Party “leaders” in endorsing “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation-supporting U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham in his bid for re-election.
It was just a year earlier that Graham gave a full-throated endorsement to legislation allowing for the seizure of firearms without due process.
On top of that, he wanted to use your federal tax dollars to bribe State Legislatures to pass dangerous “Red Flag” laws all across the country.
So even after Lindsey Graham embraced this draconian measure, Stewart Jones still found it suitable to hook his wagon to Graham’s campaign.
But there is still time for Jones to reverse course and do the right thing, and we sincerely hope he does.
Jones must immediately remove himself as a co-sponsor from the watered-down licensed open carry bill and vocally support nothing less than Constitutional Carry!
So please call Stewart Jones at (803) 212-6713 and insist that he stop giving cover to establishment RINOs like Speaker Jay Lucas and anti-gun legislators in Columbia!
South Carolina voters just recently sent Republicans back to Columbia with even larger majorities and a CLEAR mandate: PASS CONSTUTIONAL CARRY NOW.
What do we get for our votes?
More compromise.
More placating.
More excuses.
Can you imagine what Democrats would do with the super-majorities Republicans now enjoy in Columbia?
There would be no compromise; only massive, wide-spread gun control.
When Democrats have power, they do everything they can to take away our rights.
But South Carolina Republicans seem content to sit on their hands, peddling pro-gun rhetoric without actually doing anything to restore our rights.
When leadership wants something to pass, it passes.
When they don’t want something to pass, they tell legislators to adopt “incrementalism,” effectively killing whatever legislation they’re against.
Once again, Stewart Jones is buying into leadership’s rhetoric and needs to hear from you now!
Call him at (803) 212-6713 and urge him to reverse course immediately, remove his name from the leadership-backed bill, and start fighting for the restoration of our rights!
We are closer than ever to making Constitutional Carry a reality in the Palmetto State.
PGR and our members have sent a clear message to politicians in Columbia that we will settle for nothing less than the FULL restoration of our rights.
It’s time to put those words into action and demand no compromises when it comes to our gun rights.
As you can imagine, holding legislators accountable when it comes to your gun rights can be very costly.
And doing so requires us to rely solely on the support of grassroots activists like you.
As the fastest growing NO COMPROMISE gun group in the state, Palmetto Gun Rights will never settle for less when it comes to your Second Amendment rights.
For Freedom,